Genevan law on prostitution and implementing regulation
In Geneva, the Geneva law on prostitution (LProst) and its regulations (RProst) define the legal framework for the practice of sex work and the operation of erotic salons or escort agencies.
To practice in Geneva, you must first attend an information session.
These sessions are held every day from Monday to Friday, at 11am. They are free, without registration, and are organized in the premises of Aspasie, rue des Pâquis 11, on the 5th floor, in Geneva.
Intended for anyone coming to practice sex work in Geneva, these sessions aim to inform on the main topics that are at the heart of the activity: health issues, rights and duties, safety and prevention of violence and aggression, the tricks of the trade, or useful addresses in case of need. French
The sessions are led by a team speaking 7 languages:
(Dutch, Russian, Greek and Bulgarian materials are available if needed)
After the information session you will have to register with the police department BTPI (Brigade against trafficking and illegal prostitution) in order to be able to work.