BDSM (bondage, domination and sado-masochism)
These are practices which require specific knowledge and techniques. Research and learn about these types of services before you offer them to clients.
Rights and obligations
- COVID 19
- Genevan law on prostitution and implementing regulation
- The legal framework in Switzerland
- Registration
- Work permits
- Working around Switzerland
- Authorised locations for prostitution in Geneva
- Police checks
- Self-employed status/working conditions
- Administrative obligations
- Violence, abuse, exploitation, human trafficking, rape, etc.
- Moving into another form of employment or finding an additional job
- STIs, symptoms and treatments
- PEP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis) or emergency HIV prevention treatment
- PrEP « pre-exposure prophylaxis »
- STI screening
- Vaccinations
- Contraception
- Termination of pregnancy (abortion)
- Intimate hygiene: products, sponges, Ellen tampons, sex toys
- Substance use
- Specific needs of transgender workers
- Male Sex Work
- Mental health
- Fundamental rules of sex work